"Guy's like a frickin' nexu...
He's got nine lives."

- Alara Slate about Ke'rii
"Call of the Wind: Blood Drops"


Ke'rii Hoban Hua Ogasawara, commonly called "Ke" (pronounced:/keɪ/), was born on a world called Adorus, and grew up in the role of the rebellious oldest son in a wealthy family. He is an entrepreneur, freelance pilot, animal whisperer, slicer/hacker, polyglot, owner of Oasis Enterprises and The Oasis Lounge Casino and Resort, and manager/chef/handyman at Nostalgia. He has served in the military (fighting on either side of his galaxy's war at one time or another) and last held the rank of Captain with the Imperial Navy from his world. He crashed on Eorzea with is wife, Alara, and is now making a new life with a fresh start.P H Y S I C A L    D E S C R I P T I O N
Ke'rii is tall, with an athletic build, greying black hair, light blue eyes, typically has slight stubble, and two old visible scars over his right eye. He has discoloration skin damage on the right side of his forehead/face from previously implanted cybernetics (which he no longer has). He also has old burn scars visible on the top of his right hand, and a tattoo of a dragon on the upper part of his right arm with his family's name (小笠原) on his forearm.
Y U Z H I    M I N G
The Yuzhi Ming is a tradition that dates back hundreds of years for members of the Ogasawara family where Mother and Father would travel to the Cave of Life, hidden deep within the treacherous mountains of Owanatana on Adorus. With their unborn (or born) child, the parents would present their child to the Three Elders (Guoqu, Dangxia, and Weilai), who would offer them a Yuzhi Ming (or 'gift name'). The Three Elders are said to predict the child's past, present and future. To receive the Yuzhi Ming is seen as acceptance into the bloodline of the Three.
Ke'rii received his Yuzhi Ming one month before he was born. The Elders gifted him with the name Hua, which translates to Basic as "prosperous".

“Let me make somethin' clear 'ere. I don't ask questions. I don't answer questions, aye? 'Ye could be an innocent chap just livin' the high life, or a sadistic serial killer. But 'yer just a job. Ain't nothin' personal, but because of that, I ain't goin' to be 'yer buddy that shares 'is life story, get it?” - Gharzog, aka "Mr. Hat"“Aw, c'mon. You get eight million credits for me, don't I get to play Eight Million Questions with you? I've got--what?... 7,999,976 to go? Seventy-five if you count my coffee question.” - Ke'rii Ogasawara

"Hunting the Hunted"

B A S I C    I N F O R M A T I O N
Name: Ke'rii Ogasawara
Server: Jenova
Species/Gender: Human/Male
Age: late 30s/early 40s
Height: 6'
Relationship status: Married
Birthplace: Adorus
Current Residence: Shirogane
Occupation: Manager/Chef/Handyman at Nostalgia, Owner of Oasis Enterprises (Shirogane), Entrepreneur, Prince of Adorus.

Upon first meeting Ke'rii, one might find him arrogant, annoying, and very talkative. He tends to use a lot of hand gestures when he speaks, and fidgets when he has to be quiet. He's outgoing, friendly, and sarcastic. He's loyal, honest, and fiercely protective of those he cares about. He can be hot headed and quick to say something he shouldn't, but is often the first to apologize. He's very stubborn and doesn't take well to authority figures (but this doesn't mean he doesn't know his place in the chain of command). He likes to challenge people. He is a perfectionist, which can lead him to be extremely hard on himself. When given a task that is of great importance to him, he will have unrelenting focus (sometimes bordering on obsession) until that task is resolved. Respect him, and you will be respected back. Wrong him or betray him, and he will remember... for a very long time.
Board games (such as dejarik from his world, and is a self-proclaimed 'champion' at the game), dancing, reading, bartending, cooking, swoop bike racing, gambling, music, fixing mechanical objects (speeders/motor bikes, droids, etc). Loves animals, and has often rescued helpless/sick animals to rehabilitate and give a safe home (or will release back into the wild).

Ke'rii looked from its feet up to its two heads. "Jian ta de gui... liu koushui de biaozi he houzi de ben erzi." He said, horrified."Was that common tongue?" Ash Fallon looked to him. "Or did you just have a fucking stroke?"

Life Skills

Ke'rii has an unending thirst for knowledge. Going to a library is like an adventure for the brain and he never wants to stop learning.L A N G U A G E S    &    L I F E    S K I L L S

  • Spoken Languages - Basic (fluent), Olys Corellisi, Ryl, Mando'a, High Sith, Minnisiat, Qimeng Yuyan (moderate knowledge)

  • Understood Languages - Jawa Trade language, Cheunh, Droid (astromech), Shyriiwook, Huttese, Thyrsian

  • Slicing/Hacking - a skill that came naturally for him since he was young. He is always advancing this skill, learning from others. Mainly this skill is used to gather secure/encrypted data about a possible bounty target, though he has used it for bragging rights. Note: This skill is mostly relevant in his homeworld as he still needs to learn about the tech in his new home.

  • Starship pilot - another self taught skill. Having no official training, his piloting is often rough and rocky. He likes to push the limits of any ship he pilots. He will often add 'sketchy' modifications to increase speed and velocity. Traveling with him is not recommended for those with weak stomachs.

  • Cooking & Bartending - Ke'rii is a phenomenal cook and enjoys tending bar (with a bit of showmanship and flare!) in his free time!

S K I L L F U L    H O B B I E S

  • Musician - really this should be "musician" as he is not a pro, and plays the guitar for fun. On occasion you might find him jamming solo on the stage at Nostalgia, or as a duet partner with his wife, Alara.

  • Mr. Fix-It - there's nothing more fun than something broken in need of fixin'! Ke'rii is pretty handy with a hammer and a good set of tools. From repairing motorbikes and (cursed) elevators to using his carpentry skills to make a table, he loves to be the Handyman that is hands on!

Ke pressed the man up against the wall, and just as the other was about to say something, Ke flicked his wrists, activating a rig he had done to his bracers. The man gasped for air, hearing only the thhhwit of the blade before it pierced through his neck. His body convulsed. Ke held the knife in place, starring the man in the eyes."This is mercy," Ke whispered to his torturer. "Which is more than you deserve."

"Call of the Wind: Hunted"

Combat Skills

Ke’rii has extensive training in a variety of areas. He prefers using his blaster gun, affectionately called "Bianhu'ren" (shortened to "Bian", which translates to “Defender”), but several of his weapons have been negatively affected after his crash on Eorzea. He is also known to carry a knife or two.R A N G E D    W E A P O N S

  • Guns and a Blaster Pistol - Ke's preferred weapon of choice is a gun, and while he can use the weapons available in Eorzea, he is most comfortable with his other-worldly blaster pistol, affectionately named: “Bianhu’ren”.

  • Blaster rifle - again, he prefers the WL-29 series. The blaster rifle is charged with the same features as Bian, however, intensity level of the blast can penetrate heavy armor, even able to kill on the first shot. Due to its lethal nature, Ke’rii does not prefer to carry it on himself and keeps it securely locked away.

  • Sniper rifle - WL-29 series from his home. As with the above, the sniper rifle has similar features as his blaster, but includes a scope for greater distance and precise assassination. As with the blaster rifle, he does not carry this on himself.

  • Darts - no, not the kind you throw in a bar. Ke'rii has combat bracers that can hold electroshock darts, paralyzing darts, and poison darts.

M E L E E    W E A P O N S

  • Knives & Daggers - easy to conceal, Ke prefers knives or daggers as a secondary weapon used only for 'sneak attacks'. He carries two daggers (concealed around his calves) on him at all times.

  • Vibrosword - Ke’rii has studied and trained in vibrosword technique, preferring the Echani made vibrosword for its cortosis-weave, which allows it to stand up against a lightsaber. Being a perfectionist when it comes to combat skills, you will never see him in battle with a vibrosword, though he has been expertly trained.

  • Vibroblade - as with the sword, he prefers the cortosis-weave, Echani made, vibroblade. He has been known to use one in close combat and can sometimes be seen carrying it on his boot.

  • The Sword of Dangxia - Roughly 3,000 years old, this ancient sword answers only to Ke'rii. While he has never actually taken the sword into combat, he has had formal training.

  • Lightsaber - this is definitely something that is still at "training" level intensity as he receives proper training from his sister. He is unlikely to go into a dangerous situation with just his lightsaber as his only weapon.

C O M M O N L Y    C A R R I E D    I T E M S
(if on a dangerous field mission)
WL-29 blaster (“Bian”) or a gun
Knife/dagger or vibroblade
Small medkit
Small tools (screwdriver, etc.)
Climbing Gear (rope/belay/cams, etc.)
A small snack (like roasted nuts)
Wedding ring (its lucky, why wouldn't he?)


  • "Bianhu-ren" - or "Bian" for short, is a sleek, lightweight WL-29 blaster pistol. Though the blaster is “light”, it has heavy plasma energy firepower (green in color). Intensity of the blast ranges from training, stun, to kill. He has etched the Ogasawara family crest onto the grip and embedded three pearls as a representation of his ancestral Elders: Guoqu, Dangxia, and Weilai.

  • Field Gear - When in the field, Ke prefers to wear gear that is moveable. While he appears to favor light weight material, his armor has a strong tactical lining while still maintaining flexibility. While he usually fights at a ranged location with his blaster, he does incorporate his martial arts training if needed.

  • Heavy Combat - When the stakes and danger are high, Ke wil be in full body armor made of beskar (a strong, metal material from his home). Gear includes a t-visor helmet, shoulder pauldrons, vambraces, breastplate, codpiece, kneepads, and thigh and shin guards.

    The helmet not only protects the head, but is also equipped with certain features that give its wearer an advantage in combat, including:

  • A heads-up display (or HUD) that acts as a visual aid and capable of transmitting images, thermal heat signatures, and other useful data about the environment (air breathability, terrain, etc.)

  • Comlink - while not useable to everyone in Eorzea, Ke would be able to provide certain parties "comlinks" (or other-worldly communication device like a linkpearl) to communicate to party members if split up.

  • Rangefinder targeting device used to enhance target displays.

Ogasawara family crest

Ironic enough, I have all these details but I actually steer away from combat roleplay =D From an IC perspective, Ke'rii wishes no longer to live a life consumed with wars and conflicts and is happy to back down from a fight.

P H Y S I C A L    A B I L I T I E S

  • Martial Arts - Ke’rii has trained and studied many forms of martial arts, including that of the Echani (a society from his world where combat is a form of communication). He is proficient.

  • The Force - Ke’s use of the Force, in his younger days, has been limited to his intuition as a pilot, lucky shots with a blaster, and to an extent, with his martial arts training. With those closest to him, mainly his wife, daughter and sister, he can feel their presences; and in some cases (primarily with his wife) he has been able to hear her thoughts. But he is not properly trained at all. This ability sparked in him recently, around the time of his father’s death. In general, he will try to ignore this or shrug it off as nothing, but in serious cases (such as searching for his missing wife), he will try to tap into this growing power inside of him.

A N I M A L    B O N D
Ke'rii has a natural ability to connect to animals from the happy-go-lucky puppy to a fierce fire-breathing dragon and everything in between. While he's not one to bring a puppy into battle, he is confident to ride a dragon or a horse. He has the ability to feel if the animal is scared and even soothe more savage or vicious creatures.

"What writing is... Telepathy, of course. It’s amusing when you stop to think about it—for years people have argued about whether or not such a thing exists ... All the arts depend upon telepathy to some degree, but I believe that writing offers the purest distillation."

-Stephen King (On Writing, 2000)


I guess I need to start writing... aka: coming soonTM

Gpose Story: "Puppy Wants To Play!"


I am known as Mei-mei (she/her), and have been roleplaying since 2012. My first roleplay experience was in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Before that, I started to write 'seriously' (for fun!) beginning in 1999 (I'm sure I just dated myself there). I have experience writing comedy, romance, action, and drama. And I especially LOVE world building.I enjoy an immersive roleplay vs. light/casual. I really like to tell stories and work on character development. I also like organic story telling, meaning I go with the flow of how my character speaks to me. And if something with my character can be done in-game, I'm all for it rather than just "assuming" it happened and everyone moves on.TL;DR - I want to RP 24/7 if I could. Immersively.Note: I am not my characters. They have their own opinions, thoughts and personalities. I keep OOC out of my roleplaying.

The OOC on Ke'rii
Ke'rii comes from Star Wars: The Old Republic, and was a secondary main character with roughly 8 years of in-character roleplay history backing him. I am keeping his history from that world, though I am NOT roleplaying the world of Final Fantasy XIV as Star Wars. If this poses an issue for you, then that's perfectly fine and we are not meant to be roleplay pals.
Final Fantasy XIV Lore
I am not good with lore for FFXIV. I'm trying to learn as I go, so I design my characters with my weaknesses in mind. All my RP characters are not originally from the world of FFXIV, but I do not roleplay as if FFXIV is another world.
My Roleplay Characters
If you happen across any of these characters, you've found me!

Feel free to contact me on discord: meimei.onlineOr email:
[email protected]

Ke'rii OgasawaraJenova/GilgHe/HimMarried/Straight
Alara OgasawaraJenovaShe/HerMarried/Straight
Mei'li BluedarkJen/Sarg/AdaShe/HerMarried/Straight
Keiko'li OgasawaraJenovaShe/HerSingle/Straight
Carina Hart (Rageborn)Gilg/Sarg/AdaShe/HerMarried/Straight

Roleplay Goal
To find a community of serious, yet fun, roleplayers to tell stories with and make friends in-character and out. I am an immersive roleplayer, so 99% of the time I am up for roleplaying. Please do not hesitate to approach me in-character (even without the Roleplay tag on).
Roleplay Preferences

RP Style:Heavy immersive RP. If we can avoid OOC chatter in the middle of a scene, I'm happy (unless for consent/warning reasons of course). I use prose form often in /em. /say is for quick "Hey! How are ya?" dialogue (and YES, I use quotations for ALL dialogue). I'm also comfortable in party or tell chats for more private conversations. Obviously the /em descriptive writing is adapted for /party or /tell. I very much prefer the use of third-person POV when roleplaying. Saying something like "I wave to you", just feels uncomfortable and can kill a scene for me.
Patience:I'm a slow typer if I'm trying not to make typos. So please be patient and allow time to respond.
Age:I prefer to roleplay with adults. No minors please.
OOC:I will mark any out-of-character comments with (( )). For example: "Good to see you again, please sit with me." ((Phone BRB!))
RP Group Size:I am most comfortable in smaller numbers and quieter settings.
Relationships:I do romance roleplay very selectively. In the case of Ke'rii, he is happily married to Alara Ogasawara (whom I also play) and is not looking to break her heart. On any character, I am very open to friendships, bromance, enemies, frenemies, business partners, etc. The more connections, the more immersion!
Death:No thanks.
Violence/Combat:I'm a bit sensitive to violence, so I tend to avoid violence or even combat RP. However, with trusted RP partners it is a possibility.
Injuries:Must be discussed.
Rating:I am an adult, so I am open to most RP from light and funny to mature content and even difficult/controversial topics. But consent is key! I am very sensitive, and this goes back to my violence topic above, to sexual assault. This does not mean my characters can't discuss it (I'd prefer not to be the victim of it), but please give me a heads up warning. Communication is key, so /tell and let me know. My character's are also not saints and will swear, sometimes a lot. If you do not like this, then please let me know and I will tame it down for you.
Dice Rolls:I am not a huge fan of this. Usually will only /random or /dice if in combat roleplay, but this is NOT a very smooth RP style for me. But I understand its need when in combat situations, but sometimes I may disagree with a roll if it doesn't fit my character's abilities. I RP in a "freestyle" manner rather than with technical numbers. For Ke'rii, I do have an old Character Sheet from when I played him in Star Wars: The Old Republic.
Real World:When I roleplay, the things of our world do not exist. Memes, social media, pop culture, etc. I keep ALL these things OUT of my roleplay as they do not exist in the world where my characters exist. As an immersive RPer, bringing up things like this totally breaks the mood and will kill a scene for me.
Please Don'ts:Nothing breaks immersion more for me than "Hey, how are you today? :)". How do you say :) in language? "Hey, how are you? smilie face"? Please avoid the smilie faces, "LOLs", and what not. I like my RP partners to have good grammar (dialogue excluded if for in-character reasons of course), punctuation, and spelling. That said, I'm also Queen Typo, so spelling errors are totally excused.
Godmodding:If you "godmod" my character, meaning you make a motion or movement or say my character has said or done something and I did not post it first, I'm not happy. My characters are for me to control, not you. For example: You say /em says "Hey!" to Ke'rii and he gives a kiss. EXCUSE ME? No he didn't! Please don't do this, its in poor taste.
Metagaming:Metagaming is when you know something about my character OOCly and then turn it into in-character knowledge without your character being told. I can't stand this. Either we RP a scene where you learn said information or I just stop talking to you OOCly.